What Happens Next? (The trilogy)
I made this beat 3 years ago. There are so many technicalities that go with making beats that make you second guess yourself, I didn't really have the courage to put it out as an actual song. EVERYTIME I would play it again over the years though I was like hold on - I LOVE THIS BEAT.
So I thought you know what, WHO CARES. Write a song to it. Even though I only had the joke MP3 I bounced to send to my family as evidence that I was working on learning how to make beats. As I'm getting older I'm finding it harder to say something I haven't said before so I thought if I switch up my whole process something different may emerge.
https://youtu.be/GsL59_mSDy8?si=lBavlDAMFwcbhpYF (the link if reading this in newsletter)
There were 3 specific themes in the lyrics I wanted to highlight hence the trilogy of videos. I think the main thrust of the song is sort of worrying that you've spent the prime of your life and not achieved what you thought you would and how better to show this by throwing a 40th birthday party that no one comes to.
The second was reflecting on how much of your life you've dedicated to something and how better to show this than with a montage of excerpts of you doing it over a 20 year period!
this the only thing that i've ever really had
https://youtu.be/-XzKd3ZSjQQ?si=6zWo831ehx9jwDQ8 (the link for NL readers!)
"So much time past, what you been doing?"
Finally I love this lyric. I don't regret for a second the thousands of hours I've spent gaming but you have to wonder had I skipped those and invested them elsewhere, perhaps I wouldn't be in the 2 bed flat - this was the crux of video 1.
(note I actually love my 2 bed flat and I'm very grateful for it, it just works quite well as a literary device - I know the realities of home ownership are vastly different to what is used to be!)
https://youtu.be/XNCSaEhn9T4?si=4kj2zuYV78UPWRDV (the link for NL readers!)
And there you have it. Hopefully it fleshes out the song a bit more. I wanted to highlight the different layers to it, and ultimately I think it's actually quite a hopeful song. It's the first of my songs to recieve the cinematic triology treatment so that makes me exicted for what happens next! with subsequent offerings as I enter version 4.0 !