
Chima Anya is a Romanian Nigerian British rapper, doctor and musician who has consistently impressed audiences over decades. His unique blend of lyricism and musicality has made him a notable presence in the British rap scene.
In 2010, his first LP, "New Day," made the Itunes "Best of hiphop" end of year list, an impressive feat for an independant medical professional. The LP showcased his ability to blend his medical knowledge with his passion for hip-hop music. His most recent album, "Modern Fairytale" was released in 2021, in Collaboration with New Zealands legendary SoulChef and has exceeded 1,000,000 streams on Spotify alone.
Aside from his music career, Chima Anya is also a qualified doctor. He graduated from medical school at the University of Birmingham in 2007 and works in the
UK's National Health Service. Chima's medical knowledge has influenced his music, as he often uses his lyrics to address social issues and promote holisitic health education.
Chima Anya's poetic musings often predate what becomes mainstream wisdom by years. 2017's "Do less" followed by 2022's "quiet quitting" a great example... As he continues to push the boundaries of rap music, it will be exciting to see what he has in store for the future.